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What are the most common types of waste that need to be managed?

  • The most common types of waste that need to be managed include general waste, paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, hazardous waste, and food waste.

What are the legal requirements for waste management?

  • Legal requirements for waste management vary by region, but generally include proper storage, transportation, and disposal of waste, as well as regular reporting and record-keeping.

What are the benefits of recycling and how can it be implemented in my business?

  • Recycling can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserve natural resources, save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Implementing a recycling program can also save your business money on waste disposal costs.

How can I improve my company’s environmental sustainability?

  • Improving your company’s environmental sustainability can be achieved through reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, as well as implementing energy-efficient practices and using renewable energy sources.

How can I ensure that my waste management practices are compliant with regulations?

  • To ensure compliance with regulations, stay informed about local, laws and regulations, and work with a reputable waste management company like ourselves that can help you stay compliant.

How can I track and measure the success of my waste management program?

  • To track and measure the success of your waste management program, establish measurable goals, and regularly track and report on your progress, including data on the volume and composition of waste generated, recycling rates, and cost savings.

What are the benefits of outsourcing waste management to a professional company?

  • Outsourcing waste management to a professional company can provide expertise, equipment and a range of services, as well as ensure compliance with regulations, help to lower costs and improve overall efficiency.

What are the best practices for handling and storing waste on my property?

  • Best practices for handling and storing waste on your property include proper storage and labelling of waste, regular cleaning and maintenance of waste storage areas, and compliance with local regulations.

Can you help me to set up a recycling program for my business?

  • At MHM UK LTD, we can help you set up a recycling program, by providing advice on what can be recycled, providing the necessary equipment, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

How can I reduce the amount of waste my business produces?

  • To reduce the amount of waste your business produces, consider implementing recycling programs, composting food waste, reducing packaging, and encouraging employees to reduce consumption of disposable items.

How can I properly dispose of hazardous waste?

  • Hazardous waste should be properly segregated, labelled, and stored, and then disposed of through a licensed hazardous waste management facility.

How can I determine the best waste management solution for my business?

  • To determine the best waste management solution for your business, consider your waste streams, the volume of waste produced, and your budget. A waste audit can also provide extremely valuable information to help make this decision.

What are the costs associated with different waste management solutions?

  • Costs associated with different waste management solutions can vary and depend on factors such as the volume and type of waste, the distance waste needs to be transported, and the cost of disposal or recycling.

Can you provide a waste audit to identify areas for improvement in our waste management practices?

  • A waste audit can help identify areas for improvement in your waste management practices, such as identifying waste streams that can be reduced, reused or recycled, and identifying opportunities to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. Here at MHM Recycling we offer a free of charge, no obligation waste audit.

How can I educate my employees and customers on proper waste management?

  • Educating employees and customers on proper waste management can be achieved through training programs, communication campaigns, and by making it easy for them to recycle and dispose of waste properly.

How does the process of waste segregation work?

  • The process of waste segregation involves separating different types of waste into different streams for proper disposal or recycling. This can help to reduce contamination and increase the efficiency of recycling and waste management operations

How can I minimize my carbon footprint through waste management?

  • Minimizing your carbon footprint through waste management can be achieved by reducing, reusing and recycling waste, as well as by implementing energy-efficient practices and using renewable energy sources.

How can I find out more about the various recycling options available?

  • MHM Recycling can provide detailed information about the various recycling options available, including what materials can be recycled, what are the benefits of recycling, and what are the costs.

Can you provide a detailed breakdown of the environmental impact of different waste management solutions?

  • Landfilling: Landfilling is the most traditional method of waste disposal, but it can have a significant environmental impact. Landfills take up large amounts of land, and they can release methane and other gases that contribute to air pollution. They can also contaminate groundwater if not properly managed.

  • Incineration: Incineration, or burning waste, can reduce the volume of waste, but it can also release pollutants into the air and ash that contains heavy metals and other toxins.

  • Composting: Composting organic waste can reduce the amount of waste that needs to be landfilled or incinerated. It also creates a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used in agriculture.

  • Recycling: Recycling is the most environmentally-friendly waste management solution. It reduces the need for raw materials and energy to produce new products and reduces the amount of waste that needs to be landfilled or incinerated.

  • Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT): MBT is a method that uses mechanical and biological processes to treat and stabilize mixed municipal solid waste. It is useful as a pre-treatment method of waste before it is sent to a landfill.

What are the best ways to reduce waste in my business?

  • Reducing consumption: This can be done by buying products with less packaging, using reusable containers, and printing double-sided.

  • Reusing materials: This can be done by using both sides of paper, refilling printer cartridges, and using reusable bags.

  • Recycling: This can be done by setting up recycling programs for paper, plastics, and other materials.

  • Composting: This can be done by composting food waste and yard waste.

  • Implementing a waste reduction program: This can be done by setting goals, monitoring progress, and involving employees in the process.

  • Educating employees: This can be done by providing training on proper waste management practices and encouraging employees to participate in waste reduction programs.

  • Collaborating with waste management companies: This can be done by working with a waste management company like MHM Recycling that can help identify areas for improvement and provide solutions for waste reduction.

  • Reviewing contracts and suppliers: This can be done by reviewing contracts and suppliers to ensure they are using sustainable practices.

  • Analysing the waste stream: This can be done by analysing the waste stream to identify areas of waste and opportunities for improvement.

  • Investing in efficient equipment: This can be done by investing in equipment that is more energy-efficient and has lower emissions e.g. Semi-Automatic Horizontal Balers, Vertical Balers, Shredders, Static Waste Compactors etc.


We would like to extend our appreciation to all our customers for taking the time to read through our FAQs. We understand that you may still have some questions that were not covered in this section, and we would be more than happy to answer them for you. Simply send us a message through our contact form, or give us a call on 01205 821 522, and one of our experts will assist you as soon as possible.

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we believe that providing helpful and clear information is an important part of that commitment. Thank you for choosing us and we hope that this FAQ page has been helpful to you.

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